Knock Knock

Sadness comes and go
Sometimes it comes for a quick visit, sometime it lingers
You don't mind the quick visit
But just like house guests, it gets uncomfortable after 3 days
Mine stayed for 6 months once
It sucked
Once I finally got rid of it
I was never going to let it come in again
I filled up my schedule up, so I was barely ever home, just it case it comes knocking on the door
Scared that once it visits, it wouldn't leave again
Last time it stayed, it nearly killed me
So I would run around, like a mad woman, trying to avoid it
But it's fast and it's smart
Always creeping up, no matter how hard I try to block it
And that's when you've realized ...that' you can't run away.
You just got to face it.
You've faced it countless times before.
And each time...You get a little stronger
And just know, that you are not a lone.
Sadness visits each and everyone of us.
But it doesn't stay,
So just keep reminding yourself
That everything is going to be okay.
Artwork by: Suree Sompamitwong