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So about two weeks ago. I did something that I never thought I would do. I quit my job. The job that changed everything. I moved out to California about 10 months ago, wanting to pursue my dream as a fashion designer. It's been a dream of mine since I was 9 years old. I always knew. When people asked, I answered.

Up until last August, when I landed an internship at a showroom at the California Mart. That's when everything changed. Her name was Jennifer Hutton. Not only was she the strongest woman I know, but she was also one of the hardest working woman I've ever met. She knew how to hustle. She can sell just about anything. She taught me so much. I learned so much from her not only through the job but also took some strong characteristcs that I truly admired from her, and tried to apply it in my own life. I think what made living away from home a little easier was because I had a woman figure in my life, that watched out for me and had my best interest. She showed me the opportunities in the wholesale industry, that I never knew was avaible. She wasn't just a rep that sells clothes to boutiques.

She was involved, through every aspect. She helped with product development, merchandise the line when it arrives, to make it look as yummy as possible, and she always went above and beyound to make sure that her buyers were satified. Because of her, I now found my true passion. I want to work in wholesale. I want to be like her. That's why, it caught me by surprise when I decided to walk out on the job two weeks ago. I never thought I would quit on her. Because she meant so much to me. However, it dawned on me. She inspired me to be my own boss. I want to be my own boss, just like her. I want to make mistakes, fail, get up, fail again, and then kick ass. I wasn't a good assistant. It's hard for me to focus, because I'm just all over the place. Some people might say that I have ADD, but I call I'm just being myself. I can't help it. My mind runs at a 100 miles per hours. Ideas are always flicking into my head and I can just never seem to stick to one thing. That's why I knew I had to leave. She deserved a better assistant. Someone that's going to think 2 steps ahead of her and lighten her load.

I knew that I wasn't a good assistant, but I also know that I want to be my own boss.

Misty Slopes

I want to take what she has taught me, and apply it in a way that makes sense to me. I regret walking out on the job like I did, obviously there was some othe personal issues that I shouldn't have let it bottled up inside. But I'm a firm believer that everything happened for a reason. And that I'm going to do what makes me happy. And I want to make her proud and show her that she didn't fail me after all.

Sincerely Suree

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